Ciao Bello Bellagio

Gallery of some of my plein air painting spots in Bellagio, Italy. The beautiful village on Lake Como is easy to paint – each corner and look can be framed. I’m grateful to the local people and their warm welcome during the lockdown. Hope to be back there soon. All images in this post are property of Diana Dzene and […]
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Plein air painting in quarantine

There couldn’t be a better time to paint than in quarantine. In the first wave of the pandemic, the first lockdown in March/April 2020 I painted 17 paintings. There are no distractions and there’s no better way to soothe the need to make the best of the time at home. Now, in the second wave of the pandemic, it is […]
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Views from a ferry

In my last trip to lake Como, Italy I found myself truly privileged to have a moment of the lake’s surroundings all to myself. What usually is a highly crowded place with close to impossible to make a photo of a view without someone’s head, hat, hand, wave, roof of a car or similar; now was a place of solitude […]
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Early morning in Pescalo

Current happenings around the world put things into a perspective and you want to spend your time for what you really care for and where you find yourself. The sobriety and sharp freshness of a morning sounds and sunlight is my reality kick, beautiful and fragile. The scene in early morning Pescalo village, near Bellagio in Lombardia, Italy. With a […]
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My art in Bellagio, Italy

Before I even start to share my joy of this amazing point in my life – being represented by a gallery in Bellagio, I’d first like to try to draw a picture of the place I’m talking about. I believe it is important not to feel like a topographic idiot. Allora, opening map to Italy, North of Italy. And then […]
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On holiday without paints

Once again, iphone marker function in Photos saved me during a trip to Bellagio. Done with fingers on my photos made there.     These drawings also served for little idea with eco linen bags –
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